Tuesday, November 7, 2017
7 years later...quick update!
Honestly, even if I did remember how to get in at the time, I would have started another anyways because the Triplets are WAYYYYYYYYY grown up, I'm remarried with 2 new babies (1 and 2 years old) and I've started using my blog to do reviews, recommend products, provide links to sales/discounts and so on.
So, you can find me here if you'd like to keep up with my life (again!!!)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Another quick update...
I didn't get into the nursing program (any of them) for the fall, and I'm taking this as a sign that I am supposed to take another path. I'm done "fighting" so to speak, and am just going to surrender to what is. I DID get accepted to the Human Services Program at Western Washington University so I will be starting there in the fall and am very excited!
The kids are getting SO smart, I'm teaching them how to count and they are doing so good. we are just working with fingers now, such as "cassie, hold up 1 finger on your RIGHT hand and 3 fingers on your LEFT hand. Now, what is 1 + 3" and then she counts and tells me 4. It's so cute to see the proud looks on their face.
My friend jessica, http://www.raneydayphotography.com/ did some mothers day pictures yesterday of my kiddos and my mom and I. She is an AMAZINGLY talented Photographer, and a WONDERFUL friend! If you are a facebook user, go search Raney day photography and if you "like" the page, you can comment on ALL of her photos. For any of my friends in the WA area, she is AMAZING!!!!! Here are a few pictures:

Saturday, March 12, 2011
Everything happens for a reason....
It has been a rough year thusfar though, and I'm only 3 months into it... HASCO messing up on my section 8 qualifications and because of THEIR error I can't get on the program (still fighting this one though!), not getting into the nursing program 2 times, loosing daycare assistance, furnace broke, broken seals on 2 windows that need to be replaced, and that's just a few of the issues. But, I figure maybe the first half is going to be tough because the second half will be absolutely wonderful!?!?!? Regardless though, I do have SO much to be thankful for! I've got a roof over my head, food in my house, 3 wonderful children who keep me on my toes (and in shape!!!) and wonderful friends and family!
My friend Jessica of Raney Day Photography, www.raneydayphotography.com did a photoshoot of the kids and she is absolutely amazing. The kiddos loved it and ask me daily when we can do pictures with miss jessica again :) Check out he website, some of the kids photos are featured there.
So the earthquakes, tsunami and now a nuclear explosion really have me praying. Thanking the Lord for all the good things in my life, and praying for those who have lost everything. It's such an unsettling thing. These poor people...
Hope everyone is doing well, and as always, thanks for reading the updates!!!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
2010 is nearing the end?!?!?!?!

Cassie and Ryland have both had their "special weekend's" with Nana and Grandaddy where they get to go ALL BY THEMSELVES and have to share NOTHING with a sibling :). Tristans is this weekend and he is super excited for it.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
it's been an adventure
The kids are SO big and SO smart. They know their abc's and can count to 20. They all know how to write the first letter of their name, and Tristan is really excelling in writing out all his letters and numbers. He begs me all the time to practice them lol. They are still in Daycare at mark's sister's center, which is a big montessori (sp?) school and it's been great for them as far as education and challenging them mentally. Cassie is a little artist, and she is just the sweetest most loving little girl EVER!! (bias much?) Definately more like her dad than like my fiesty ol self LOL. Those boys are much more like me, but boy do they look like their dad!
Tristan got moved to a Pre K room about 3 months ago because the boys were at eachothers throats, ALL DAY LONG! (now they know how some of my saturday's go LOL). They have really thrived being separated and are doing so well with it. Then about 3 weeks ago they moved Cassie to the other pre K room, so now they are all in their own rooms. Ry was very sad at first and cried the first two days Cassie wasn't with him, but now he's over it and really enjoys his own attention and not having to compete with his siblings.
They are so smart and so funny, and Ryland continues to be the comedian of the group. He had me laughing so hard the other day, here's how the convo went:
RYLAND: "Mommy, why do girls have hyenas?"
ME: "What? Why do girls have what? Hyenas like on Lion King?"
RYLAND: "Noooo mommy, not Lion King. The girls have the hyena's like I have a penis. Why do they have heyenas?"
bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, laughing so hard I'm crying, nearly peeing my pants...hyenas. I have the funniest little boy EVER!
As for me...I've finished my first year as a reservist in the US Navy and it's been quite UNeventful :) and I am most grateful for that! I've got one more year and then I'm FREEEEEEE. But all in all, I'm so thankful for the opportunities it has provided me and I still stay in contact with many friends I've made throughout the years.
I'm still in school, working on my last prerequisite to get into the nursing program. I did apply for winter quarter, but it's HIGHLY unlikely I'll be selected because I didn't have this class completed. Plus it is so unbelievable competitive, that even when I do finish this class, it might take a few attempts to get in. That is something I'm NOT looking forward to :(. School is keeping me busy, microbiology is kicking my butt but I am enjoying my labs so much. And public speaking, um, let's just say there is a lot of busy work (unnecessary in my opinion), but such is life.
DAFCF (www.dafcf.org) is doing great, I've got a bunch of clients and still have yet to lose a case (knock on wood!!!) and I enjoy doing it so much. I really wish that I could do it full time, as a job. Over winter break I'm going to take some time into researching grants again and see if I can't find something I missed the last time I looked. I find myself looking forward to tackling the challenge of some of these cases, I even dream about it LOL.
Some of you probably noticed the man in two of the pictures I posted the other day :). That's Phil, we've been dating for about 6 months now and he's an amazing guy. The kids think he's great and he even went to our little mini family reunion in September to Sunriver Oregon. He fit right in and my cousins Ryan and Cory and my uncle David now have a new golfing buddy. The picture with cassie in my arms is at their 4th birthday party (that's right, I said 4th!!!!!) and the one in the dress and tie is at a fundraising auction from last weekend that his company was a part of. It was a fun night, lots of laughter. Plus, what woman doesn't LOVE an excuse to get dressed up!?!?!?!?
Hope everyone is doing well and thanks for checking in!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
For Jennifer :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
They are so smart, it just amazes me how fast they are growing. They are in 3T clothes already, size 8 shoes...almost ready to move to the "big kid's" small shoes. I just can't believe it. They are all potty trained both day and night time. All three of them can count to 15 and say their alphabet. Cassie is drawing smiley faces and trying SOOOO hard to learn how to write her name. Tristan is more and more becoming a mommy's boy, his favorite line lately is, "I love you mommy. I like you mommy. I'm so happy with you mommy". He's such a sweetie! Ry is still our sensitive one who gets his feelings hurt if you loook at him the wrong way. He's the independent one too, likes to go off and do things on his own. And Cassie....we'll shes the boss. The boys pretty much do what she tells them. She's also very very much a girl (totally opposite of me as a kid!) and will cry if she doesn't get to wear a dress and "Pretty shoes". I can't believe they came into our lives over 3 years ago, it just doesn't seem possible.
Here are a few funny things I've written down that the kids have said lately, they keep me laughing and loving live, that's for sure!!!
My Three year olds played the "why" game with me this morning for 15 minutes. I'm more mentally exhausted than after a hard day at school and work. Do you know how much thinking and creativity it takes to provide them with an answer that finally satisifies all their why's?????
Outsmarted by a three year old?!?!?! "Tristan, sit down right now or I'm going to spank your bottom!" "Mommy, you can't, we don't touch other peoples bottoms". Darn kid, got me there...
So when the kids showed up at my mom's door in their costumes she sang "Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat" and Ryland promptly walked in the house, walked over to her, got down on his hands and knees and SMELLED HER FEET!!! LOL this kid keeps me laughing!
My brilliant son Ry said to me this morning as I was getting out of the shower: "Oh good girl mama, you wash your bum bum? You wash it so it don't be a stinky bum bum!? Good girl!
Cousin Ricki: "What name do you like to go by, Cassie or Cassandra? Cassie: "I like Cassie Cassandra is my trouble name"
Tristan: "Don't touch Ryland's penis, ok, you don't touch someone else's penis" Ryland: "Yeah, don't touch my penis" Cassie: "ok boys, don't touch the peanuts" LOL out of the mouth of babes
And here are some recent pictures :)