Mark was working late the other night and I was laying in bed with Tristan next to me all snuggled up in my arm with his head resting on my chest and I remember thinking, "Gosh he fits so perfectly in my arms" (and I'm going to get all mushy on you now.... )"I am the luckiest woman alive to have these 3 beautiful perfect little children to tuck into bed every night. How amazing my life is now and my God how it has changed in the last 3 years" and I was crying as I laid there thinking about it all.
I know what some of you are thinking, "you take the kids to bed with you?!?!?!?!?!" and the answer to this is NO, we don't "take" the kids to bed with us. However, every once in a while I like to sneak into the kids room after they are asleep and pick one of them up to take and cuddle with me. Sometimes it's after I've had a rough day at work, or if I am feeling lonely because I'm home alone but mostly it's because I want NO REGRETS with my children. And I'm not striving for perfection here, but rather that when I lay my head down each night, I don't want to think back on the day and realize there are things I didn't do that I wanted to (involving my children).
I have my husband to thank for the encouragement to do this, to just go grab a baby and bring them back to bed for some snuggles. I was talking about it one night with him and told him that sometimes I just want to do that, but don't want to get in a bad habbit of having them in our bed. His anwer was perfect and was just what I was thinking, "you might as well do it, you don't want to regret not doing it when they are older". So that's just what I've been doing.
No regrets kiddos, no regrets...