Today was day 4, I've decided Tristan just isn't ready yet and there's no sense in pushing it so I'll put him back in a diaper tomorrow.
Ryland and Casie are doing great. Ry had one accident today, he was VERY busy playing, and he was very upset about it, so he realizes what is going on. But other than that he used the potty. And Cassie is, well, Cassie- she's so darn smart.
So I've decided that stay at home parents are amazing and I will bow and kiss their feet for what they do. I could NEVER do it. I've been home since last Friday, the 26th, with the kids and I'm about to go bonkers. I suppose it doesn't help that they R E F U S E to nap at home, so at the end of the day they are exhausted and I'm loosing my patience.
But my lord, I've never looked forward to going back to work, until this week. I love my kids, don't get me wrong. But when you stay home with them there are no "smoke" breaks or lunch breaks or any type of breaks. And conversing all day with toddlers, well.... it's not exactly an intellectual conversation.
Here are some pictures from this last week at home with the kiddos- they are from my cell phone so sorry for the quality