Monday, June 15, 2009

First trip to the beach

Cassie LOVED her first trip to the beach. She was rolling around in the sand and jumping and bouncing like this for over 30 minutes (yes she fell asleep on the way home! LOL). Sunday afternoon I went to the beach with my best friend from junior high, Lauren and her daughter Briana. We met up there with some other friends, Rene, and Gaston and his son Daven. It was an overcast day but still very warm and was actually just perfect because nobody was uncomfortably hot or cold.

Ryland is a brave little one, he waded out up to his waist in the FREEZING water before I went out there to get him, silly guy wanted to go out even further.

Cassie spent most of her time rolling around in the sand and picking flowers for me- she is SUCH a girl! She let her feet touch the water a few times but wasn't really too keen on it.

Tristan did a lot of venturing around and out as far as he could before someone would call him back. He was also very interested in all the driftwood on the shore. He kept finding sticks and bringing them to me- funny little man!

We took a picnic lunch and ate there on the Alki beach. Grass might have been a better selection (there was a huge patch to the left of us), cause I'm sure we all ate our fair share of sand, I KNOW the kids did. Oh well..... So here are some pictures

1 comment:

Debbie said...

They are beautiful.