The adventures of Tristan, Cassandra, Ryland, and Julie
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Before and after the tummy tuck
These pictures are the before, and then 2 weeks
after surgery. The scar will heal over time, and I am still retaining quite a bit of fluid, they drained 75cc of blood tinged fluid and want me to come back again next week to have it drained again.
Yeah, it's looking good, and it will be much better once it heals. Be proud! Consider those as battle scars. Though they'll fade, don't forget the work and effort you put to go through with that tummy tuck.
Wow... great results. I'm also thinking about a tummy tuck procedure, but in Toronto and by Dr. Jerome Edelstein. I've heard great things about him and I'm sure that he will take care of everything. I can't wait to get rid of the saggy skin. :D
I am a single mom of almost 3 year old triplets, currently active duty in the US Navy, part time college student and Executive Director of a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization. Talk about a crazy but FUN life!!!!!
all that i can say is oh my gosh!!!!!
I've been following your journey on TC since I was pregnant.
I'm amazed that you posted these pictures on your blog!
Thanks for sharing with us!
Thank you so much for having the courage to post your before and after. I've decided to share mine as well. You look great. The doc did a great job.
Yeah, it's looking good, and it will be much better once it heals. Be proud! Consider those as battle scars. Though they'll fade, don't forget the work and effort you put to go through with that tummy tuck.
Nice blog keep on blog...
Wow... great results. I'm also thinking about a tummy tuck procedure, but in Toronto and by Dr. Jerome Edelstein. I've heard great things about him and I'm sure that he will take care of everything. I can't wait to get rid of the saggy skin. :D
T Abdominal Rejuvenationummy tuck gives a good results
After see this pictures many of them accept tummy tuck surgery gives great result.Tummy tuck before & after, many changes are happen our belly
The Tummy tuck before & after gives good result for you.The pictures are really good.
Hi are looking good! where did you get the surgery? I'm going to have abdominoplasty and pretty exited about it:)
Hi are looking good! where did you get the surgery? I'm going to have abdominoplasty and pretty exited about it:)
love to have your knickers to cream in
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