The adventures of Tristan, Cassandra, Ryland, and Julie
Monday, March 10, 2008
Fun in the tub
Mark caught a very cute moment this evening with all 3 kiddos in the tub. Cassie was having a blast beating on Tristan's bottom and Ryland discovered that dunking his head was oh so much fun.
Man, I gotta start putting our boys in the tub together more often. Sometimes I get caught up in being efficient...these moments are THE BEST! =) I must say that 3 in a tub works better than 4!
I am a single mom of almost 3 year old triplets, currently active duty in the US Navy, part time college student and Executive Director of a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization. Talk about a crazy but FUN life!!!!!
Oh my goodness, that is so cute!! Gess and I were cracking up!!
Glad we could give you guys a laugh! We need to get together!!! I'm free in the beginning of April, how about you?
That's priceless! I love it!
Ok that is priceless!!! There gonna love watching that when they get older.
Oh man, that is sooo cute I can't stand it!!
Man, I gotta start putting our boys in the tub together more often. Sometimes I get caught up in being efficient...these moments are THE BEST! =) I must say that 3 in a tub works better than 4!
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