The adventures of Tristan, Cassandra, Ryland, and Julie
Monday, November 24, 2008
A year ago today
I can't believe that a year ago my little ones were just learning how to walk. I was looking through old pictures and videos tonight when I was taking a break from some homework, and I just couldn't believe how much my babies have grown up!
Hi Julie!! Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing you and your 3 little angels a Happy Thanksgiving!! Austin and I agree that you have some of the smartest kids :) I was telling him about Cassie and her 'choking'...he thought that was cute.
I am a single mom of almost 3 year old triplets, currently active duty in the US Navy, part time college student and Executive Director of a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization. Talk about a crazy but FUN life!!!!!
that is so sweet! i am going through the same thing as i sort all of the baby items we have outgrown!
Hi Julie!! Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing you and your 3 little angels a Happy Thanksgiving!! Austin and I agree that you have some of the smartest kids :) I was telling him about Cassie and her 'choking'...he thought that was cute.
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