The adventures of Tristan, Cassandra, Ryland, and Julie
Friday, October 3, 2008
Kitty pictures
I had a lot of responses to my post about Zain and Mizy needing a good home. I'll post some pictures of them here for those that would like to see more.
The only thing I request is that if for some reason they don't work out in your home or with your family, that you PLEASE contact us to take them back. Please don't take them to a shelter. Thank you
I am a single mom of almost 3 year old triplets, currently active duty in the US Navy, part time college student and Executive Director of a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization. Talk about a crazy but FUN life!!!!!
Cute kitties!! Why are you having to get rid of your pets?
Whats going on? I'm with Lisa why?
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